Customer Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Supporting Local Farmers


The Challenge

The New Choices Farms Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) serves customers in Emmett – Boise – Eagle – Meridian and the entire Treasure Valley.

At the core of Community Supported Agriculture is the goal of supporting local food while sharing in the bounty of the farm. We offer our customers many different products. Each week we take a survey of our farm and then we harvest the crops that are at their peak and ready to be picked. We box them up and provide for you to come and get them!

The Solution – Our Farming Practices

We are committed to an all-natural approach to farming. We do not use any synthetic sprays, fertilizers, or chemicals to control weeds, bugs, or feed our plants. We use Aquaponics to provide the fertilizer for our greenhouse products and the soil grown. We do not use genetically modified seeds or plant starts on our farm. All of our livestock is pasture raised and given the best organic feed during the winter months. Our eggs are produced by cage free chickens who often free range the farm.

Our Commitment to Helping Homeless Ministry

We are committed to provide at least 10 percent of our farm production to help homeless ministries that provide food. We also make available the ability to help others that come out and ask for assistance in low income situations. It is our intent to help when we can.

We believe that what we give out will come back to us from those who want good, locally grown food and are willing to help us keep it up and running through our CSA shares program and sales to local markets.